Friday, July 22, 2011

Hot & Spicy Day in Jersey

It's a spicy day out there in Jersey folks (and most parts of the country for that matter). I'd describe it as the kind of day that makes you feel like the you took a bath in a habanero broth. OK, so maybe that is an exaggeration (and I have never heard of "Habanero Broth") but either way, the description is close to accurate. This being said, I decided to beat the scorching temps and stay inside with my friend AC.

Getting to the point, I finished this ironically titled painting:

This was inspired by another painting I did last year:

Similarities but different. Unfortunately, the original has an owner already, but "Summertime Sunset" is looking for a home. If you are interested, please give me a shout. (Acrylic on Canvas, 36 X 24, unframed)